My Math Class

Good Things

Okay, so my math class is really weird, but it is also very fun.  Also I like that we have to do the math in our head or on a white board or on paper.

Bad things

I only have one thing for this section is I wish we could get some more help on the computers.

Student Led Conference

What I have learned so far.

These past few weeks I have learned a lot.  Now I can approximate irrational numbers.  I know that because on khan academy I spent 41 minutes on it and got 70% correct.  I can evaluate negative, zero, and positive exponents.  On the test for these exponents I got 100%.  I can simplify expressions using exponents.  I know this because on the test for the expressions I got 100%. Also I can add and subtract integers.  I know this because on the test we had on it I got a 93%.

What I think I deserve for this nine weeks.

In my math class I think I deserve an A.  I think I deserve this grade for the 9 weeks because I work as hard as possible to get an A.  Also I try to always work to the bell on khan academy.  Even if I don’t get what I am doing I always ask for help and when I do that I always end up knowing what I am doing.  I get good grades on my tests because I work hard when I am on khan academy.  So that is why I think I deserve an A in my math class.